I successfully created some compute shaders, But some random errors occurred in DX Shader Compiler version 1.6 when i use CreateShaderResourceBinding method.
Diligent Engine: ERROR in Diligent::`anonymous-namespace'::DXCompilerImpl::PatchResourceHandle::<lambda_c372ec904acf3ba58ea50259846db979>::operator ()() (DXCompiler.cpp, 1573): Failed to find resource in ResourceMap
Diligent Engine: ERROR in Diligent::`anonymous-namespace'::DXCompilerImpl::RemapResourceBindings() (DXCompiler.cpp, 986): Failed to patch resource bindings
Diligent Engine: ERROR in Diligent::PipelineStateD3D12Impl::InitRootSignature() (PipelineStateD3D12Impl.cpp, 503): Failed to remap resource bindings in shader 'ClassifyTiles.fxh'.
Diligent Engine: ERROR in Diligent::RenderDeviceBase<struct Diligent::EngineD3D12ImplTraits>::CreateDeviceObject() (RenderDeviceBase.hpp, 502): Failed to create Pipeline State object 'CLASSIFY_TILES'
These errors only appear in the compute shaders.
It worked in DX Shader Compiler version 1.5.
Test code:
cbuffer Constants
float4x4 u_Projection;
float2 u_NoiseScale;
float u_Radius;
float u_Bias;
float2 u_LinMAD;
uint u_SampleCount;
float u_Fov;
float2 u_InvRes;
float2 u_FocalLen;
float2 u_InvFocalLen;
float2 pad3;
[numthreads(16, 16, 1)]
void main(uint2 dispatchThreadID : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint2 groupThreadID : SV_GroupThreadID)
for (int i = 0; i < u_SampleCount; ++i);
float sum = 1.0f;
sum = sum / u_SampleCount;
I successfully created some compute shaders, But some random errors occurred in DX Shader Compiler version 1.6 when i use CreateShaderResourceBinding method.
These errors only appear in the compute shaders.
It worked in DX Shader Compiler version 1.5.
Test code: