DiligentGraphics / DiligentEngine

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I turned Tutorial02_ The two shaders in the Cube tutorial were ported to the GLTFViewer demo, but a compilation error occurred #244

Closed Haidiye01 closed 1 year ago

Haidiye01 commented 1 year ago

I turned Tutorial02_ The two shaders in the Cube tutorial were ported to the GLTFViewer demo, but a compilation error occurred:

image image

1>D:\Source\DiligentEngine_v2.5.3\DiligentSamples\Samples\GLTFViewer\assets\shaders\cube.psh(9,18-28): error X4502: invalid vs_2_0 output semantic 'SV_TARGET'

I want to render a cube in the GLTFViewer demo,could you help me

TheMostDiligent commented 1 year ago

You don't need Visual Studio to compile the shaders. Add them to the shader list - CMake will disable shader compilation in VS.

Haidiye01 commented 1 year ago

nice, no problem