DiligentGraphics / DiligentEngine

A modern cross-platform low-level graphics library and rendering framework
Apache License 2.0
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Windows build output #266

Open crystalthoughts opened 9 months ago

crystalthoughts commented 9 months ago

Hi, I'm following the instructions for building on Windows. Everything builds successfully but I notice things aren't collected in one folder with submodule directories but inserted into the build folder structure. I have set the CMAKE flag as suggested but it doesn't seem to do anything. Is this expected?

Also, is there a flag I've missed to build the dlls? I don't see it in the configurations list.

Thanks for this great project.

TheMostDiligent commented 9 months ago

You need to build the install cmake target - it will collect libraries and include files in one folder. DLLs are always buillt.

crystalthoughts commented 9 months ago

Thanks - I think I was doing so but I'm sure I'm missing something. I'll let you know if I have more problems.

On Thu, 24 Aug 2023 at 18:29, Assiduous @.***> wrote:

You need to build the install cmake target - it will collect libraries and include files in one folder. DLLs are always buillt.

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crystalthoughts commented 9 months ago

So far I'm doing: From the Diligent Engine folder:

cmake -S . -B ./build/Win64 -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64;
cmake --build ./build/Win64 --target install

It builds but it still outputs only .lib/.pdb files and its interspersed with all the build files:

  glslang.vcxproj -> Y:\Projects\Libs\DiligentEngine\build\Win64\DiligentCore\ThirdParty\glslang\glslang\Debug\glslangd
  Building Custom Rule Y:/Projects/Libs/DiligentEngine/DiligentCore/ThirdParty/SPIRV-Cross/CMakeLists.txt
  Generating Code...
  spirv-cross-core.vcxproj -> Y:\Projects\Libs\DiligentEngine\build\Win64\DiligentCore\ThirdParty\SPIRV-Cross\Debug\spi
  Building Custom Rule Y:/Projects/Libs/DiligentEngine/DiligentCore/ThirdParty/glew/CMakeLists.txt
  glew-static.vcxproj -> Y:\Projects\Libs\DiligentEngine\build\Win64\DiligentCore\ThirdParty\glew\Debug\glew-static.lib
  Building Custom Rule Y:/Projects/Libs/DiligentEngine/DiligentCore/ThirdParty/xxHash/cmake_unofficial/CMakeLists.txt
  xxhash.vcxproj -> Y:\Projects\Libs\DiligentEngine\build\Win64\DiligentCore\ThirdParty\xxHash\cmake_unofficial\Debug\x
  Building Custom Rule Y:/Projects/Libs/DiligentEngine/DiligentFX/CMakeLists.txt
        Validating DiligentFX module's source code formatting...
  clang-format validation passed: no issues found in 11 files
  Building Custom Rule Y:/Projects/Libs/DiligentEngine/DiligentSamples/CMakeLists.txt
        Validating DiligentSamples module's source code formatting...
  clang-format validation passed: no issues found in 115 files
  Building Custom Rule Y:/Projects/Libs/DiligentEngine/DiligentTools/CMakeLists.txt
        Validating DiligentTools module's source code formatting...
  clang-format validation passed: no issues found in 110 files
  Building Custom Rule Y:/Projects/Libs/DiligentEngine/DiligentTools/ThirdParty/libjpeg-9e/CMakeLists.txt

Should I be expecting an 'install' folder with all the headers, lib files and dlls in a separate folder hierarchy?

crystalthoughts commented 9 months ago

Actually it seems only to build the third party libs at that? I tried directly building Core with similar commands and it has similar behaviour also with an error, though it does build most of the core libs too. image

MikhailGorobets commented 9 months ago

@crystalthoughts You need to install ATL.

crystalthoughts commented 9 months ago

Ok thanks. But what about the rest of the build output, is that normal? Seems like a lot of work to fish things out (and only static libs), and I notice the automated builds have everything nicely collected (but only dynamic libs).

TheMostDiligent commented 9 months ago

Ok thanks. But what about the rest of the build output, is that normal?

Your build failed and was aborted. When it succeeds, the artifacts will be collected in the install folder. If you did not specify it, it will be build/Win64/install