DiligentGraphics / DiligentSamples

Sample projects demonstrating the usage of Diligent Engine
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AMD driver crash on DX12 bindless API usage #140

Open danilw opened 4 months ago

danilw commented 4 months ago

Tested on Windows 11, latest for this day AMD drivers, GPU Vega8.

I was debugging other application and why GL_ARB_bindless_texture is bugged there. DiligentSamples Samples/Asteroids support bindless in DX12 and Vulkan. I not found OpenGL bindless examples in DiligentSamples.

You can see how it run on AMD - youtube video - https://youtu.be/Bug2vGm9HZI?t=57 second half of video.

I got 100% crash when I click 4:

'4' - Use Diligent Engine D3D12 rendering mode

And since I tested other "bindless" behaviors - most of them dont work on AMD, only some basic 1 object with one texture works, nothing complex works.

Only what is working on AMD - is Vulkan bindless.

It seems it general AMD-driver bug/problem with bindless, I have AMD bugreports 1 2.

I post it here Just for information. I do not know for sure if it is application bug or driver bug/behavior. I assumed it driver, but maybe all those applications I tested is just bugged by itself.

TheMostDiligent commented 4 months ago

I not found OpenGL bindless examples in DiligentSamples.

Diligent does not support bindless mode in OpenGL.

It seems it general AMD-driver bug/problem with bindless, I have AMD bugreports 1 2.

Yes, we also saw quite a few problems on AMD.