DillonHammill / CytoExploreR

Interactive Cytometry Data Analysis
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cyto_transformer_arcsinh() error #168

Open rwbaer opened 1 year ago

rwbaer commented 1 year ago

Briefly describe what you hope to achieve: I am trying to create a transform list for a dataset, and I end up with a plotting error that I don't quite understand..

Outline the steps taken to attempt to reach this goal (paste code below): The code fragment below is where I get an error, shortly after creating the gatingset.

# Apply compensation to samples, (spill matrix from spill.r)
gsSamp <- cyto_compensate(gsSamp,
                      spillover = "Spillover-Matrix.csv")
# Translist creation
transList <- cyto_transformer_arcsinh(gsSamp)
# Apply our arcsinh transform for better viewing of our gatingSet
gsSamp = cyto_transform(gsSamp, trans = transList)

# The live version:
> transList <- cyto_transformer_arcsinh(gsSamp)
Error in plot.new() : figure margins too large
Warning message:
In par(pars) : argument 1 does not name a graphical parameter

I presume it is getting ready to plot the transformed data but somehhow it mentioned "bailing" Any ideas how to diagnose the plotting issue or make the code get back on track?

It seem to run cleanly with the following

transList <- cyto_transformer_arcsinh(gsSamp, plot = FALSE)
What I don't know is if this is hiding a problem with the data tthat I don't recognize.

**Include any associated screenshots or images here:**