DillonHammill / CytoExploreR

Interactive Cytometry Data Analysis
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Help to install cytoinstaller::install_cyto(bioc_ver = "devel") for Mac Ventura 13.2.1. #184

Open xlymphocyte opened 1 year ago

xlymphocyte commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'd like some help to install CytoExploreR.

When I try to install cytoinstaller::install_cyto(bioc_ver = "devel"), send me this error:

Error in cyto_pkg_github_url(pkg, owner, ...) : 
  Error in gh("GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/tags/:tag", owner = owner,  : 
  GitHub API error (404): Not Found
✖ URL not found: <https://api.github.com/repos/RGLab/COMPASS/releases/tags/bioc_3.17>

I have done all the steps before (Xcode, etc) but now, I'm stuck here. Any help it would be so great for me and sorry, I'm new in R and Github so I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right way.


DillonHammill commented 1 year ago

All cytoverse packages including cytolib , flowCore , flwoWorkspace and openCyto are dependencies of CytoExploreR . You can simply install them from BioC now - development versions from GitHub are no longer required.

BiocManager::install(c("cytolib", "flowCore", "openCyto", "flowWorkspace"))