DiltheyLab / MetaMaps

Long-read metagenomic analysis
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mapAgainstIndex frozen #40

Closed schorlton closed 12 months ago

schorlton commented 4 years ago

I indexed miniseq and am now trying to map against my index. I am aware this is not the recommended approach, however I am trying to save some time (#36). MetaMaps is unfortunately getting frozen at the mapping stage: image

It hangs at this screen for hours at 0% CPU, 144GB RES ram. The mapDirectly function works no problem. My index command is: ~/Programs/MetaMaps/metamaps index -r databases/miniSeq+H/DB.fa -i metamaps_mini --mm 140 -t 30 and it appears to succeed too.

AlexanderDilthey commented 12 months ago

Hi @schorlton,

This is now fixed - it was due to an error in how the multithreading was implemented.

