DiltheyLab / MetaMaps

Long-read metagenomic analysis
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percentage identity and coverage info - misclassification #61

Closed molbio7 closed 12 months ago

molbio7 commented 2 years ago

Hi @AlexanderDilthey, We have been getting misclassifications for a lot of the reads and if we pull out those misclassified reads and blast it against ncbi, those reads give no hits but a taxonomy has been assigned against those reads when using metamaps. Happy to send you a dataset if you wish to have a look please.

AlexanderDilthey commented 12 months ago

Hi @molbio7 ,

Thank you for your message!

Unless we release a second version of MetaMaps, we will not modify the core classification algorithm.

The could try to play around with the parameter for window size (parameter -w for the mapping step) or kmer size (parameter -k for the mapping step) and see whether this influences the rate of false-positives.

Best wishes
