DimaMinka / WordPress-Hackathon-Starter

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guidelines and workflow #1

Open DimaMinka opened 7 years ago

DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

example for voting



DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

Git branches

  1. By team origin/backend-dima, origin/frontend-ron
  2. by issue title `origin/guidelines-and-workflow-dima
  3. other

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DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

Git commits

  1. commit format - link
  2. Free format
  3. other

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DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

Issues - task manager

  1. Trello/Asana
  2. GitHub issues/GitHub Project
  3. Other

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DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

Branch to deploy

  1. Master
  2. Master/Staging
  3. Other

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DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

Local development

  1. Vagrant (cross platform)
  2. Docker (cross platform)
  3. Mamp/Xamp/Wamp/etc (by OS)

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DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

Production/Development server

  1. Custom modern solution (heroku, easyengine, serverpilot, cloud hosting, vps etc)
  2. Shared host
  3. Other

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DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

Project deploy

  1. GitHub SSH
  2. Wordmove
  3. Deployer

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DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

Frontend methodology

  1. BEM
  3. other

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DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

Frontend task

  1. Webpack
  2. Gulp
  3. Grunt

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DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

Code editor

  1. PhpStorm
  2. SublimeText/Atom
  3. VisualStudioCode

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DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

Wordpress workflow

  1. Bedrock
  2. Skeleton
  3. wordplate
  4. typerocket

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DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

Project install

DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

Code requirements

DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

Custom fields

  1. Carbon Fields
  2. ACF
  3. CMB2
  4. typerocket

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DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

Theme options

  1. Customizer
  2. ACF
  3. Carbon Fields
  4. typerocket

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:+1: - 1 :-1: - 2 :confused: - 3 😄 - 4

NiviJah commented 7 years ago

Frontend methodology - OOCSS Code editor - does not really matter Theme options/Custom Fields - anything but ACF Project install - NPM Wordpress workflow - aren't we making our own ?

DimaMinka commented 7 years ago

@NiviJah Code editor - does not really matter - if we work like the team, i think same code editor it's good idea... Project install - NPM - only for frontend tasks, no? Wordpress workflow - aren't we making our own ? - we can make, or use some default wp structure