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Discussion: The relation between Natural Post (NP) and Masked Post (MP) #41

Open neruthes opened 4 years ago

neruthes commented 4 years ago


The new Facebook UI has been steadily rolling out and we have been increasingly interested in Partial Encryption feature (#7). It is a good time to reflect how can we improve the writing and reading experience as we adapt to new landscapes, and the relation between Natural Post (NP) and Maskbook (MP) is the first issue to focus on.

At present, we strictly require that one Natural Post can only contain one Maskbook Post. Furthermore, we treat the thereby contained Maskbook Post as the only meaningful element in the Natural Post.

Some New Ideas

yisiliu commented 4 years ago

As discussed with @neruthes yesterday, I proposed a partial encryption scheme in the following markdown friendly format:

Plain text $&SECRET1&$ plain text $&SECRET2&$
aes_encrypted(["SECRET1", "SECRET2"])

The proposed identifier is $& &$ but we can definitely find some meaningful symbols.

Any thoughts on this?

neruthes commented 4 years ago

Example PartialEncryptionPost Shell payload for Twitter:

Install https://maskbook.com/?PostData_v1=SGVsbG8gd29ybGQhIFRoaXMgaXMgYSBzYW1wbGUgdGV4dC4gV2lsbCBhbnlvbmUgdHJ5IGRlY29kaW5nIHRoaXM_IFBsZWFzZSB0ZWxsIG1lIGF0IDxodHRwczovL2dpdGh1Yi5jb20vRGltZW5zaW9uRGV2L01hc2tib29rLVRhbGtzL2lzc3Vlcy80MT4u to decrypt this tweet.

Today afternoon, I was with $&SECRET-1&$ at $&SECRET-2&$. A wonderful visit.

When composing, at the current experimental stage, the manual input from the user is:

Today afternoon, I was with ((Moon Jae-in)) at ((Gwanghwamun)). A wonderful visit.

For desktop users, a user may select "Moon Jae-in" and click Command-B (OS X) or Ctrl-B (Windows) or click the "Conceal" icon in the editor function bar to insert the 4 characters around the current section region.

For mobile users, a user may tap the "Conceal" icon in the editor function bar to insert ((Write the secret here)) at the current cursor, or insert (( and )) around the current selection region.

In the Post object, Maskbook stores a list of ASE_encrypt("Moon Jae-in", PostKey) like:

  "1": "U2FsdGVkX1++oNOxUk2BK+Qup9sfroldnEyxNi1DTBA",
  "2": "U2FsdGVkX19UmWqzWEWS9mC6ybYe4YWrApu4KEQ5KnQ"