DimiMikadze / create-react-library

React NPM library starter kit based on Facebook's create react app
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Using external react package like "react-rangeslider" causing "cannot read property "RangeSlider" of undefined #47

Open florentinhetriuc opened 5 years ago

florentinhetriuc commented 5 years ago


I have the following case. I've created a npm-package with the following component which is using react-rangeslider package.

import React from "react";
import Slider from "react-rangeslider";

import "../../assets/stylesheets/scss/components/atoms/range-slider.scss";

export const RangeSlider = props => {
    const { name, value } = props;

    return (
        <div className="slider">
            <span className="slider__name">{name}</span>
            <div className="slider__value">
                $ {value}

I'm have the above error each time when I'm trying to export/import a component which is using an external npm-package.

Could you tell me please if I'm missing any config options for create-react-library package?

nazreen commented 5 years ago

I'd like to know the same. @florentinhetriuc did you manage to solve it?

florentinhetriuc commented 5 years ago

Hey @nxmohamad. No. I wasn't able to solve the issue :(.

nazreen commented 5 years ago

@florentinhetriuc I'm going to email you

ronaiza-cardoso commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have the same problem, I'm trying to use this https://github.com/tannerlinsley/react-table#readme

LukaszNowakPL commented 5 years ago

@florentinhetriuc @nxmohamad @ronaiza-cardoso It seems it happens whatever package you try to consume. I even tested author's example react-under-construction with same issue.

However after few days of trying I've found some walkaround. If your package needs to consume some other package (i.e. by import Button from 'react-bootstrap/es/Button') you must:

module.exports = {
    externals: {
        react: 'react',
        'react-dom': 'react-dom',
        'react-bootstrap': 'react-bootstrap',

I really don't know if it's hack, tricky walkaround or why does it work now. Configuration and dealing with webpack, babel and so on is really not my point of interests. It just works and push me further with my projects :-)

nazreen commented 5 years ago

thanks @LukaszNowakPL !

florentinhetriuc commented 5 years ago

thank you very much @LukaszNowakPL!

golike commented 5 years ago

Any further progress on this? The workaround seems to work for me, but it really is suboptimal that any app that uses my library needs to be aware of the dependencies that the library uses.

victorheringer commented 5 years ago

So, I was having the same problem and after commenting the splitChunks at webpack.config.prod.js:

 //splitChunks: {
 //  chunks: 'all',
 //  name: false,

It did the trick to me since it starts to generate a single index.js and index.css with all dependencies code. I don't know much about webpack and which implications this may cause (besides stop generating the chunks files) but solves my problem.

golike commented 5 years ago

Thanks @VictorHeringer, this solution worked for me. Hoping there aren't any hidden drawbacks to this approach.

ivanjeremic commented 4 years ago

@florentinhetriuc @nxmohamad @ronaiza-cardoso It seems it happens whatever package you try to consume. I even tested author's example react-under-construction with same issue.

However after few days of trying I've found some walkaround. If your package needs to consume some other package (i.e. by import Button from 'react-bootstrap/es/Button') you must:

  • insert the package on dependencies of you package.json
  • mention this package on module.exports.externals of your config/webpack.config.prod.js
module.exports = {
  externals: {
      react: 'react',
      'react-dom': 'react-dom',
      'react-bootstrap': 'react-bootstrap',

I really don't know if it's hack, tricky walkaround or why does it work now. Configuration and dealing with webpack, babel and so on is really not my point of interests. It just works and push me further with my projects :-)

I followed this and added axios & react-router-dom now I get this error and I can't get it working, any ideas what I do wrong here and how to fix it?

Module not found: Can't resolve 'd:\Development\Packages\wurtzu\node_modules\babel-preset-react-app\node_modules\@babel\runtime/helpers/slicedToArray' in 'd:\Development\Packages\wurtzu\node_modules\react-dev-utils'```