Dimillian / RedditOS

The product name is Curiosity, a SwiftUI Reddit client for macOS Big Sur
Apache License 2.0
3.95k stars 199 forks source link

Plans for Translations/Localizations #18

Open OzturkAlperen opened 3 years ago

OzturkAlperen commented 3 years ago

Do you have any plans for future translation/localization support? If you do I would like to contribute to the project.

Dimillian commented 3 years ago

For now it's too early to say. But before release, when I'll have most of the features implemented I'll definitely look to add all the localisations I can. So your help will be more than welcome by then.

nicopasla commented 3 years ago

same for me I can help for French

DanKorkelia commented 3 years ago

I can help with Russian. :)