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Introduce url extension to help avoid force unwrapping for static urls and add unit test for changed model #24

Closed DanKorkelia closed 3 years ago

DanKorkelia commented 3 years ago

Hi 👋 Happy new year.

Wanted to provide a tiny contribution to your excellent project wit this little addition to help avoid force unwrapping static URLs. Also added a unit test for model. Not sure what the exact policy is but thought it might be helpful.

Best wishes Dan

ericlewis commented 3 years ago

One note though: I would prefer the arg be named staticString instead as that clarifies what is going on.

URL(staticString: "")

DanKorkelia commented 3 years ago

Hey! Happy to chip in. Glad you liked the change. Think I might have lifted this from Paul H actually but I do read John's blog on regular basis too :) I'll update the argument no problem.

ericlewis commented 3 years ago

I meant the extension should be used like URL(staticString: "") but you're still anonymizing the actual argument. Delete the _ and update the call sites :)

My reasoning for this is because we don't have to know about the extension- we can read in the call sites to understand why URL is behaving differently instead of tracking back to the extension. I think when extending Foundation or any 1st party types it's always important to be clear what is going on when it's used places too.

DanKorkelia commented 3 years ago

That's a good argument for more clarity I'm happy with that. I slightly rushed to change the name and only realised you were after explicate name at call site. I will update.