DimitarChristoff / Modal

Modal Window and Bootstrap for mootools
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I have to add an method to open the modal window with a click #3

Closed ebarchiesi closed 12 years ago

ebarchiesi commented 12 years ago

I need to add a method to enable open a window with javascript. This is the code It´s added to the Modal.BootStrap class //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- openWindow: function ( props ) { var self = this; // store local options as they override the class options, more than 1 instance can exist // and can behave differently. see .show which stores the passed options. var options = Object.clone(this.options); // overlay? if (props.modalOverlay) { options.overlay = !! JSON.decode(props.modalOverlay); } // any click closes on modal if (props.modalEasyClose) { options.anyClose = !! JSON.decode(props.modalEasyClose); } // allow close by pressing ESC key if (props.modalEscClose) { options.escClose = !! JSON.decode(props.modalEscClose); } // custom events if (this.boundOpenEvent) this.removeEvent("show", this.boundOpenEvent); if (this.boundCloseEvent) this.removeEvent("hide", this.boundCloseEvent);

        if (props.modalOpenEvent) {
            // open
            this.boundOpenEvent = this.boundOpenEvent || this.fireEvent.bind(this, props.modalOpenEvent);
            this.addEvent("show", this.boundOpenEvent);

        if (props.modalCloseEvent) {
            // close
            this.boundCloseEvent = this.boundCloseEvent || this.fireEvent.bind(this, props.modalCloseEvent);
            this.addEvent("hide", this.boundCloseEvent);

        if (props.modalCustomClass) {
            // add and remove class on show/hide, eg, .autoWidth as per demo.
            options.openClass = props.modalCustomClass;

        // set the title of the modal
        if(!props.modalTitle) props.modalTitle='';

        // have we got modal buttons behaviour attached by data
        if (props.modalButtons) {
            var buttons = JSON.decode(props.modalButtons);
            if (buttons && buttons.length) {
                // wrap it in this
                var holder = new Element(this.options.buttonsZen);

                Array.each(buttons, function (obj) {
                    var button = new Element("button", {
                        "class": obj.className,
                        html: obj.text

                    if (obj.event) {
                        button.addEvent("click", function (event) {


        } else {
            // else, look for a normal footer prop
            if(!props.modalFooter) props.modalFooter='';

        // save instance options
        this.handledOptions[this.getId()] = options;

        // what content to get, element or ajax are suported for now.
        var val = props.modalBody || props.href;
        switch (props.modalType) {
        case "ajax":
            new Request({
                method: "get",
                url: val,
                onRequest: function () {
                    // spinner or text, whatever.
                    // self.setBody(self.options.loadingContent);
                    // self.show(options);
                onSuccess: function () {
                    // set the body
                    self.setBody(this.response.text).show(options, this);
                onFailure: function () {
                    self.setBody("Contents did not load. Close and try again").show(options, el);
            // get data from the href property as element directly
            this.setBody(this.getData(val, !! props.href || !! props.modalBody));
            this.show(options, el);

You can call it with

var bootstrap = null; window.addEvent('domready', function() { bootstrap = new Modal.BootStrap(document.body, { onConfirm: function() { this.hide(); }, onCancel: function() { this.hide(); } });


and call with bootstrap.openWindow({ href: "contacto/asesor-tecnico.html", modalType: "ajax", modalTitle: "Contacto" ,modalFooter:'modalFooter' })

I hope this hyelp someone

DimitarChristoff commented 12 years ago

you can already do that if you don't use the bootstrap or you can do triggerElement.fireEvent('click') or event call the open directly from the saved reference