Dimowner / AudioRecorder

Audio Recording Android application
Apache License 2.0
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Making audio recorder to skip different level of silence while recording will be a good feature. #14

Open cckole opened 5 years ago

cckole commented 5 years ago


Audio recorder records sound/voices and also import some files. I've used it well, and I'm still enjoying it. My proposals will be based on voice/sound recording.

It is optimized for a fast start which helps user not to miss important voice recording. Rec has two basic recording format which is Advance audio coding (AAC) and Waveform file format.


Pause and skip silence: During recording, there can be a different level of quiet time when there will be no sound or different level of sound. Within this period, the recorder will automatically filter the surrounding sound level and control recording till the desired sound returns. At first, I thought it might be difficult to come up with this idea, but I think it's possible.

There is what we call ATH (Absolute threshold of hearing). We as humans all possess this which is recorded at 0 decibel SPL and also varies with different people. It is the minimum sound level of tone that an average Human ear with normal hearing ability can hear without any distortion. This concept can be used to achieve the purpose. Whenever there's silence while recording, the app will filter the surrounding sound and react on it accordingly. For example, the app can be set to pause recording if the level of surrounding sound is below the silence barrier, hearing threshold or conversations. This can be detected at different frequencies. E.g.,

1. Silent barrier set as -1db spl

2. The hearing threshold set as 0db spl

3. The conversation set as 1db spl

The units for each silence level will be set in the back end. It will not be adjustable by users.

db spl is the unit to denote the measurement of a sound. It is referred to as decibel of sound pressure level. Since the loudness of a sound varies for different frequencies and not required with its sound pressure level, the pause and skip silence level is possible to implement.

Mock ups/ Examples

The first image shows how the app looks before the design

app look 123.png

The below images shows the settings of the silence features. Only one can be turn on at a time. The skip silence button will activate others when switched on.

the silence.png


The pause and skip silence can be used to achieve a clear recording. It will make users recording concise and accurate. This feature can be used to achieve the desired result in terms of recording. For instance, if I plant my device in a hidden place to record some malicious conversation, only the important voice sound will be captured. Also, the noisy part of a conversation or a sound recording will be filtered out. Only the clear part will be captured. Quiet times will also be filtered out, and space(either internal or external storage) will be used up wisely.
