Dimowner / AudioRecorder

Audio Recording Android application
Apache License 2.0
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Suggest Migrate from SQLiteOpenHelper to Room ORM #23

Closed mohsenpakzad closed 3 years ago

mohsenpakzad commented 4 years ago

Nowadays, orms make working with database much easier, they are create and manage tables and models by it's own and no need for writing queries and engage yourself in it's hardships. I searched a lot and find that best orm choice for android that supported and recommended by Google is Room. Here I a put the link for you: Room Persistence Library. Let me know If you want any help for migration.

Dimowner commented 3 years ago

SQLite was selected intentionally. Original idea of the app was to not use any dependencies and make apk as small as possible. Now I not considering moving to the Room because it requires a lot changes and efforts.