Dimowner / AudioRecorder

Audio Recording Android application
Apache License 2.0
729 stars 171 forks source link

Please add a mode record with sound recorder with skip silence!!! #48

Open korenevskiy opened 3 years ago

wavexx commented 8 months ago

Automatic silence removal would be a welcome addition for audio logs

Dimowner commented 1 month ago

This is a good feature request. But this task has low priory. Considering this task as complicated to implement.

korenevskiy commented 1 month ago

Marketers conduct research in the city area and find out that people prefer white bread and give the command to produce white bread. And if we consider a special case, then you come to the store and choose bread that looks tastier. You compare black bread with white bread, and you realize that black bread is poorly made. And you buy white bread. So in order for you to succeed, what kind of bread should you bake? Of course it's black, there's less competition, you'll be the first to make medium-quality bread, but it'll be better than others.

So now tell me, do you need to do this function in the program?

Dimowner commented 1 month ago

Skip silence is a very good feature to have. But unfortunately I don't have free capacity to implement it near future. I have a lot more important things to do in this app. I have added development plans in Readme. I can consider this feature after those all those plans are implemented

korenevskiy commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much. Thanks for adding to the plans in general.