DineshSolanki / FoliCon

Creates Folder icons for Movies, Serials, Music,Anime and Games Folders
GNU General Public License v3.0
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I wonder if Folicon also works for Comic Books Collection #199

Closed ucapato closed 1 week ago

ucapato commented 1 week ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I felt regret for not finding this tool before. I have a large collection of Comic Books (in .cbz format), and I am working on correctly cataloging them all. As part of this task, I must create folders to sort and classify those Comic books properly. Is FoliCon also suitable for this (Search for Comic Book titles, characters, or Publishers for instance)?

Describe the solution you'd like To make FoliCon also suitable for other sources/subjects, such as Comic Books, e-books... Maybe it could have an additional option during the search as "Comics" for example. Sites like comicvine (https://comicvine.gamespot.com/) has an extend and fast database of Comic content.

If such solution is too much of a troublesome and might bring some limitation (I know ComicVine limits any user by 200 searches/request for each hour), then if FoliCon can be able for user to upload any available image from his PC to make that art as user pleases.

Describe alternatives you've considered I haven't tested the app entirely, but I am assuming there might be a way to properly upload any art or image we want and apply on Folicon to do the job. If that is the case, I believe it could already fit my needs and everyone else interested in such a feature.

DineshSolanki commented 1 week ago

Hi @ucapato , your requirement has indeed been requested before https://github.com/DineshSolanki/FoliCon/discussions/142#discussioncomment-7060843

And it's in the road map, but for now you should be able to use professional mode to search for comics poster.

And about being able to upload your own image, that is possible in custom icon setter option.


Currently FoliCon does not support customizing the uploaded icon, but I'm trying to create a plugin system for that.

ucapato commented 1 week ago

Wonderful. Thanks a million for that and thanks for the quick response.

DineshSolanki commented 1 week ago

Wonderful. Thanks a million for that and thanks for the quick response.

Feel free to play around with FoliCon and don't be hesitant to open an issue, feature request or ask a question should you need to.