Dingf / GDCommunityLauncher

The launcher for the Grim Dawn Community League project
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Decoupling stash and saving from direct server connections (future) #7

Open 12foo opened 1 year ago

12foo commented 1 year ago


it's been a while. Sorry for my sudden silence on the other issues; I got pulled away by some other stuff. I'm not sure I'll have enough free time to help on the big Season 6 rewrite, but I had an idea about it that I just wanted to write up somewhere. Basically, a lot of the issues stem from the fact that game data syncing is hacked into the game client at a deep level and is fairly complex. It's compounded by being synchronous with the server, i.e. server breaks for a second, game also breaks. So how about decoupling the local syncing of the game state (stash/character) from server side syncing? Very roughly, it could work like this:

This could also be extended in several ways, like offering save/backup slots for full character data on the server, or just being able to turn Steam Cloud saves back on (I think many people would like that). As long as we perform any processing on-disk and outside the loop, the processing can be arbitrarily complex.

Dingf commented 1 year ago

No worries, I've also been busy and haven't had much time for development as of late. The main issue with decoupling the local sync from the server sync is that the sync happens at the exact moment it's required (e.g. opening the stash or loading a character), and the synced result is then required for the client to proceed normally. This is mostly to prevent timing issues wherein the user could get a synced result from the server, the client trusts the result, and then the user overwrites the trusted result with one of their own which is then synced to the server.

As such, even if the local sync was detached from the server, there would still be a delay on the client side if the server was slow/experiencing latency. For example, the upload/download process would need to wait on the server to update the local files, and then the client would need to wait for the local files to finish updating before proceeding with the load.

Unfortunately, I don't see a good way around the timing issue currently. The alternative would be to set up some sort of polling or file monitoring system for synced files and then download new files if the signatures/checksums don't line up. This however, is both resource intensive and also not as secure since there is a break in the flow of execution between the sync and the loading of the synced file.

12foo commented 1 year ago

I agree, and that would be the point of using cryptographic keys here. In this model, trusting the server at every instant is not required (the keys replace server trust). There is no server network code in the client whatsoever, aside from starting a new session and retrieving the keys. The client can simply operate on local files, and the sync process will occasionally sync with the server. It is entirely decoupled, as if the player is playing locally, without an online connection.

The tradeoffs necessary for this are:

Basically, a timeline of actions could go like this:

Game Client Sync Process Server Valid?
Load Game
Take item from stash
Run a dungeon
Put Items in Stash
Idle Sync Signatures Sign Signatures
Idle Sync Countersignatures
Idle Deliver trade item
Idle Sync Stash & Signatures Sign Signatures
Idle Sync Countersignatures
Take item from stash
Quit game (force sync) Sync Signatures Sign Signatures
Sync Countersignatures

In this model, only the game states marked with a ✓ could be loaded again-- if the client tries to load a save state unverified by the server, it would fail. Since files on disk are cryprographically signed, they can also not be modified by the user (the client will refuse to load them as well). The assumption is simply that the files on disk are always correct and trusted, and syncing with the server is only necessary every few minutes, or on quitting the game.

The benefits of this would be essentially:

Dingf commented 1 year ago

In this proposed solution, if we are periodically syncing with the server (say every few minutes or so), then shouldn't subsequent actions before the periodic sync cause the game state to be unverified and fail to load? For example, if someone opens the stash, withdraws an item, and then closes the stash and tries to withdraw again a few seconds afterwards. If I'm understanding the model correctly, the second attempt should then fail because withdrawing an item invalidates the game state which prevents the client from loading the stash data. And if so, would the client then be effectively "locked out" of that resource until the periodic sync happens?

I'll probably need some more time to think about what's the best way to implement server sync for the next season, as I haven't really had the chance to do much research on other options yet.

12foo commented 1 year ago

Oh, I should have explained that better. I'll go into a bit more detail as well. When I say "loads the file", I really just mean at the time the player loads the game from the main menu. We basically have 3 states of the game files:

The signature is always written to disk at the same time the stash and character data is written. If the stash changes, the game can simply load the stash from file and verify with the local signing key before re-writing the file to disk. The player could interact with the stash several times without contacting the server, but every time, the local stash gets verified and signed. This creates a locally valid save state.

Every few minutes or on a direct trigger (quitting game, etc.), the most current signature is sent to the server, along with any stash uploads/downloads, season achievements, etc. The server countersigns these after processing stash and achievements. This creates a completely valid save state.

On loading a game from the main menu (starting a session), only completely valid game states are accepted, i.e. states that the server has processed and verified. Starting a session is also when the game client receives the keys for that session from the server. The keys are never written to disk, only kept in memory. So as long as a session is running, it's fine for the client to update its local stash with the signing key without contacting the server. We use this signing key to ensure that game data on disk doesn't differ from game data in memory while the game is running. The server countersignature is so the game data on disk cannot be changed between sessions without the server having seen it.

There is an attack vector here: if someone has the skills to intercept or replace the keys on the wire or in game memory, they can cheat the server as they like. That's about the same skill level it would take to cheat the game in its current state as well, though.

I really should try and see if I can get a proof of concept going for this, but probably not this or next month. :(

Dingf commented 1 year ago

I see, that makes a bit more sense. I'll try to see if I can get a rough implementation working when I have some time available, though likewise I also probably won't be able to get around to it for a while.