Dingmatt / AMSA

A Plex anime agent using TVDB and AniDB data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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No matches for very common anime files #36

Closed Benedictum closed 2 years ago

Benedictum commented 2 years ago

I am fairly new to using AMSA / Hama etc but not too new to using plex agents. I wanted to finally get my anime collection in some semblance of order so I ran it and I am seeing some really odd behavior.

For instance, the show Beastars (not an uncommon show at all) when I do a match and then manual search for either the title or [anidb-14659] I get no usable matches. search by title image search by anidb tag image This is happening with a ton of shows. heres logs i didnt truncate them at all. com.plexapp.system.log com.plexapp.agents.amsa.log Plex Media Scanner (custom ASS) - filelist .log Plex Media Scanner (custom ASS).log

Roughly half the shows its not finding, even stuff that IS present in tvdb.

For most of the shows it DOES find matches for its not updating the titles or data. For instance, it found citrus, changed the title to Citrus [anidb-12545] as expected. It found Black Clover, but it left the title as Black Clover (didnt add the anidb tag) and seemed to not pull all the metadata. Maybe I'm missing something but I made sure the agent is the sole source (turned off Local Media Assets (TV)

Dingmatt commented 2 years ago

Hi Benedictum,

I can't see the particular line in your log (as it only gets reported at plugin startup) but it looks like your anime-list is outdated.

The anime list is downloaded (and cached for a certain time) during the plugins startup, please try the following

  1. Go to 'Plex Media Server\Plug-in Support\Data\com.plexapp.agents.amsa\DataItems\Cache\' and delete the following files:
    • anime-titles.xml
    • anime-list-master.xml
  2. Restart your plex instance.
  3. Retry fixing the match.

The list is downloaded from the following github repository 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anime-Lists/anime-lists/master/' so you'll need to ensure your system has access to that (no firewall rules, etc).

Here's what you should be seeing with an up to date file:



Benedictum commented 2 years ago

flushing those cache files is letting it find the titles now, however its still not updating the titles with the tags consistently or even putting the anidb tag anywhere in the metadata

Its kind of odd the cache was damaged or out of date to begin with as this was a fresh install of the agent.

Benedictum commented 2 years ago

heres a particularly egregious one. Filename and current plex name are hanamonogatari. do a search, get the expected anidb result image select the match and.... image renames to bakemonogatari a different show entirely

Dingmatt commented 2 years ago

ASMA, by default, uses TVDB as its primary data structure, with AniDB used to supplement data. TVDB tends to group related shows together and show them as different seasons.

Monogatari for example has five seasons which encompass all the aliases it lists


The TVDB "standard" would be the default way that Plex lists a show and AMSA is built to replicate that, if you go into the setting of the plugin you can swap to using AniDB as the primary source by removing TVDB from the various arrays, this may give you the results you're looking for. If not then I can recommend Hama which is designed around a more customizable approach.

Edit: To give a little more details on the Hanamonogatari example, TVDB lists it as Bakemonogatari, special 10-14


There is an alternative, if you edit the 'anime-list-custom.xml' file in 'Plex Media Server\Plug-in Support\Data\com.plexapp.agents.amsa\DataItems\Cache'. Adding an entry with the correct AniDBid and no TVDBid, then AMSA would only use the ANIDB details, keeping it as a unique series, rather than combining it in a TVDB fashion.