DinnerBuffet / TTSCarcassonne

Script and data for the Tabletop Simulator mod
MIT License
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Use of startLuaCoroutine #11

Open mmann78 opened 2 years ago

mmann78 commented 2 years ago

How/Why/When does TTSCarcassonne use startLuaCoroutine? The TTS documentation states how to use it, but not why. It seems to be some sort of "threading", but I haven't wrapped by head around the "threading model". Since Carcassonne is turn based, are there real advantages to using it? Can player 2 start placing a tile while player 1's animation/scoring is still being computed? Are there people that play "speed Carcassonne" and can't wait that additional second for animation to complete? Would the GUI "lock up" if doing computationally intensive stuff? I can certainly see some potential with the AI (or computation of "complex" stats/scores), but I'm not sure how "shared variables" would work between the "threads". The "coroutines" to start the game make some sense, but why have something to compute the sheep scoring (scoreFlockCoroutine) and not "all" scoring?

DinnerBuffet commented 2 years ago

So first just a quick explanation of coroutines in Lua as I understand them. They are not multi-threading. Everything runs on a single thread. When a coroutine starts, no other code can execute until the coroutine yields, at which point other code can run. Coroutines simply provide a convenient mechanism to execute code that isn't expected to finish "instantly". With that in mind, I use coroutines for the following things in Carcassonne:

The rest of the mod makes liberal use of Timers (ie). These could, in theory, be replaced by a coroutine but timers work well enough and are easier to understand.

I also created a simple mod to demonstrate how coroutines can be used here.

Hope this info is helpful!

By the way, there's some legacy code here that should be removed. The comments should explain why it was added. It's only used by the sheep coroutine now and can be replaced with the lua default.

mmann78 commented 2 years ago

This was all very helpful, but the question that arises is "Am I only allowed to do ~16ms of processing (time in between frames at 60 FPS) before I have to yield? I'm certainly not measuring the processing time of routines, but the AI is certainly an example of something that would probably take more than 16ms to complete. I presume remaining judicious about where to add yields to the various AI loops will keep the graphics from lagging.

Side note: I have cleaned up the sheep coroutines that used the "home grown" routine handling.

I'd also request that you email me privately (email address is in the commits of my forked repo). I have some "offline" questions I'd to ask.

DinnerBuffet commented 2 years ago

This was all very helpful, but the question that arises is "Am I only allowed to do ~16ms of processing (time in between frames at 60 FPS) before I have to yield? I'm certainly not measuring the processing time of routines, but the AI is certainly an example of something that would probably take more than 16ms to complete. I presume remaining judicious about where to add yields to the various AI loops will keep the graphics from lagging.

You can certainly block the whole game from doing anything until you finish the calculation, but that will cause a very ugly freeze. Nothing is stopping you from doing that, though. What I came up with is certainly not perfect. It doesn't take into account anything else TTS is doing so it won't guarantee a consistent framerate. You can even see the framerate noticeably drop, but there is a tradeoff between that and AI taking a very long time to calculate. I decided not to put too much effort into trying to make it perfect since players are essentially just waiting there for the AI to calculate anyway. I played around with different values and this is what I felt gave the best user experience.

I'd also request that you email me privately (email address is in the commits of my forked repo). I have some "offline" questions I'd to ask.

Sorry I can't find it. You can add me here if you wish to chat: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197962338210