Dinnerbone / mcstatus

A Python class for checking the status of an enabled Minecraft server
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Almost no servers return MOTD on ping #147

Closed j5155 closed 3 years ago

j5155 commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to make a python discord bot that pings servers using this library, but for some reason it only sends MOTD or description of the server for very few servers. My code:

async def ping(ctx, ip):
    pingedServer = MinecraftServer.lookup(ip)

        status = pingedServer.status()
        await ctx.channel.send(f'{ip} has {status.players.online} players online and responded in {status.latency}ms. It runs {status.version.name}. \n MOTD: ```\n{str(status.description)}\n```')
        await ctx.channel.send('Server did not respond to request.')

When I ping most servers with this command (example: cubecraft.net), it returns

cubecraft.net has 6704 players online and responded in 101.289ms. It runs §cWe support: 1.12.2 - 1.17. 

but when I ping hypixel.net it returns

hypixel.net has 0 players online and responded in 92.341ms. It runs Requires MC 1.8 / 1.17. 
         §aHypixel Network  §c[Maintenance]
     §cFor More Information, §bhttps://hypixel.net

Is this an issue with the library or with my code? If it's my code, how can I fix this?

Iapetus-11 commented 3 years ago

It appears to be an issue with how the library handles server motds. Some servers return a dictionary if the text has colors or other formatting in it, and the library just ignores all that.


        if isinstance(raw["description"], dict):
            self.description = raw["description"]["text"]
            self.description = raw["description"]

I'll make and submit a PR soon!

kevinkjt2000 commented 3 years ago

Should be resolved in v6.4.0