DiogoVeiga / maser

Mapping Alternative Splicing Events to pRoteins
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mapTranscriptsToEvents fails #28

Closed rscmauer closed 2 years ago

rscmauer commented 3 years ago


I'm getting the following error when using mapTranscriptsToEvents: 1: In .Seqinfo.mergexy(x, y) : Each of the 2 combined objects has sequence levels not in the other:

It seems that mapTranscriptsToEvents adds chr to all chromosome names of the gtf and I'm not sure why this happens. This happens with all events in the rMATS output. I used the same gtf (https://www.gencodegenes.org/human/release_31lift37.html) for mapTranscriptsToEvents and rMATS, so I don't see what the cause for this is.

I would appreciate any feedback on this.

Thanks, Jan

DiogoVeiga commented 3 years ago

Hi, can you please use the GTF downloaded from Ensembl? The package assumes the Ensembl default (no "chr") in transcript/exon definitions.


rscmauer commented 3 years ago

Hi Diogo, Thanks for the reply.

I will have to rerun the whole rMATS analysis then with the ensembl gtf, correct?

Alternatively, is there any quick fix to allow maser to accept other gtfs e.g. remove the line where chr is added to the chromosome names?

Best, Jan

DiogoVeiga commented 3 years ago

Hi Jan,

you don't need to rerun rMATS. Just download GTF directly from Ensembl without the "chr" prefix for the maser analysis and it should work.

Alternatively, you can modify the GTF file you already have with something below. sed 's/chr//g' gencode.gtf > new.gencode.gtf

rscmauer commented 3 years ago

Hi Diogo,

sorry for the late reply. Thanks for the advice, removing the chr string via sed worked like a charm.

Best, Jan