I experience severe blinking after viewpager reloading inside of your SwipeFlingAdapterView.
I dug into lib and found out this specific line
View newUnderChild = this.mAdapter.getView(startingIndex, (View)null, this);
therefore getview method of my adapter is always initializing itself from scratch , making viewholder pattern impossible to use. And I have some operations like setting viewpager adapter in the viewholder constructor, which I assume makes it blink and lag a bit after each card is swiped.
I experience severe blinking after viewpager reloading inside of your SwipeFlingAdapterView.
I dug into lib and found out this specific line View newUnderChild = this.mAdapter.getView(startingIndex, (View)null, this);
therefore getview method of my adapter is always initializing itself from scratch , making viewholder pattern impossible to use. And I have some operations like setting viewpager adapter in the viewholder constructor, which I assume makes it blink and lag a bit after each card is swiped.
Can you pls suggest something to fix this issue ?