DionicSoftware / FoundersFortuneLocalization

This project is the official community translation for the colony simulation game Founders' Fortune.
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Royal carpet #67

Closed FounderGunther closed 4 years ago

FounderGunther commented 4 years ago

Has 2 versions; 1 blue and one red ; In the description blue one is mentionned as blue :

"carpetRoyal0_Description": { "english": "This classy blue carpet pleases both feet and eyes. Fluffy and good looking!", "german": "Dieser edle blaue Teppichboden weiß Füße und Augen zu begeistern. Flauschig und gutaussehend!", "spanish": "Esta alfombra con clase azul complace a ojos y pies. ¡Mullida y de muy buen parecer!", "chinese": "这张漂亮的蓝色地毯既好看又好看。毛茸茸的,很好看!", "dutch": "Dit klassieke blauwe tapijt behaagt de voeten en de ogen. Pluizig en mooi!", "russian": "Этот стильный синий ковер радует как ноги, так и глаза. Он такой пушистый и красивый!", "korean": "이 클래식한 파란 카펫은 눈과 발 모두를 즐겁게 합니다. 폭신하고, 멋지죠!", "portuguese": "Este elegante tapete azul agrada os pés e os olhos. Fofo e bonito!", "french": "Cet élégant tapis bleu est aussi plaisant pour les yeux que pour les pieds. Doux et très joli.", "italian": "Questa moquette blu elegante accontenta sia i piedi che gli occhi. È sia soffice che bella!",

Red version has no color mentionned. As u can see :

"carpetRoyal1_Description": {
    "english": "This classy carpet pleases both feet and eyes. Fluffy and good looking!",
    "german": "Dieser edle Teppichboden weiß Füße und Augen zu begeistern. Flauschig und gutaussehend!",
    "spanish": "Esta alfombra con clase complace a ojos y pies. ¡Mullida y de muy buen parecer!", 
    "chinese": "这张漂亮的蓝色地毯既好看又好看。毛茸茸的,很好看!",
    "dutch": "Dit klassieke tapijt behaagt de voeten en de ogen. Pluizig en mooi!",
    "russian": "Этот стильный ковер радует как ноги, так и глаза. Он такой пушистый и красивый!",
    "korean": "이 클래식한 카펫은 눈과 발 모두를 즐겁게 합니다. 폭신하고, 멋지죠!",
    "portuguese": "Este tapete elegante agrada os pés e os olhos. Fofo e bonito!",
    "french": "Cet élégant tapis est aussi plaisant pour les yeux que pour les pieds. Doux et très joli.",
    "italian": "Questa moquette elegante accontenta sia i piedi che gli occhi. È sia soffice che bella!",

I don't want to take responsability to change it and add "red" just in french translation.. What do you guys think of that?