Closed ksourdrille closed 8 months ago
i've found something, i've modified the start script with :
Modified the destination file
/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf by /etc/apache2/sites-available/glpi.conf
enabled the new conf
a2ensite glpi
someone can tell me if it's a good way ?
Fixed with #91
I am facing a problem concerning the 10.0.7 update, historically my GLPI is available with http://IP/glpi/, in 10.0.3 I was not with docker, for simplicity of management I decided to move to version 10.0.6 with docker and therefore your GLPI container, for version 10.0.6 I modified the launch script to keep the /glpi, I must keep it because my workstation park with the agent fusioninventory is targeted http://ip/glpi/plugins/fusioninventory/.
However, for the 10.0.7 update and your container, it's impossible for me to get the /glpi instead of the /. I've looked at the documentation and they give an alias, but that doesn't work either.
Do you have any ideas?