DioxusLabs / dioxus

Fullstack GUI library for web, desktop, mobile, and more.
Apache License 2.0
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Desktop: Error setting the App Icon #2344

Open Anonyfox opened 2 weeks ago

Anonyfox commented 2 weeks ago


I want to set the app icon on my desktop app (Mac OS). I didn't find something related to that in the docs or the existing issues so far, but stumbled upon the setting in the Dioxus.tml that can be set:

icon = ["icon.icns"]

I tried it with a .png or the .icns file (created properly from that png) and various ways of setting the path. What happens is either a "file not found" bug or

Failed to bundle project: IoError(
    Os {
        code: 63,
        kind: InvalidFilename,
        message: "File name too long",

Steps To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Expected behavior

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

The app should have the correct icon
