DirectMyFile / console.dart

Console Library
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printTree(): add support for multiple root nodes #2

Closed eukreign closed 3 months ago

eukreign commented 9 years ago

It would be nice if printTree() supported a list of root nodes in the initial call. This saves on screen space when rendering the tree; one extra column saved to fit longer node labels for example (by not having that huge vertical line from single root node to all child nodes).

azenla commented 9 years ago

This is now a goal of mine :)

eukreign commented 9 years ago

Actually, I ended up creating my version of printTree because I have too many specific needs that will likely not be addressed by a general purpose widget.

I'm using the tree widget to display unittest results. I need to add icons for passed/failed tests and then let user select specific tests to re-run, etc.