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Own Project and WatchDog #4

Closed TravisWilder closed 3 years ago

TravisWilder commented 4 years ago

Hello Steve,

I'm doing a project where I have a part which somekind overlaps with Watchdog. Where Watchdog is more checking for changes, my project is more focusing on compliance.

I parse every night all account through some Check Classes. Where these classes are devided in three types:

compliance checks: These are checks, like :

All isses are logged to a DB compliance checks with actions are like:

user mails includes

I would also like to us Watchdog for some Auditing / change tracking, but I think it seems not ready to use at the moment?! I would not use really the watchdog to inform on changes, just more setup an api to get some change tracking gui on top. As I do Vue, I can not reuse the Watchdog app parts.

My normal App will be extended by the option to change accounts and even to create accounts, as these will allow to create them in line to our standards.

stevebauman commented 4 years ago

Hi @TravisWilder, apologies for the late reply to this question.

Where Watchdog is more checking for changes, my project is more focusing on compliance.

You're right, Watchdog is definitely more focused on change tracking, but believe you should be able to use it for what you need.

I would also like to us Watchdog for some Auditing / change tracking, but I think it seems not ready to use at the moment?!

The core Watchdog is basically ready, but the app itself is not. I haven't released a version yet because I need to complete all the documentation first (installation, setup, usage, configuration etc.).

I would not use really the watchdog to inform on changes, just more setup an api to get some change tracking gui on top. As I do Vue, I can not reuse the Watchdog app parts.

This is exactly why I separated the core and application, so you can use anything you like with the core, and create your own user interface on top.

My normal App will be extended by the option to change accounts and even to create accounts, as these will allow to create them in line to our standards.

I think Watchdog is excellent for this use-case then. Watchdog itself requires LdapRecord-Laravel, which you can use to create and manage your LDAP connections and accounts. With Watchdog, you create your own "watchdogs" to inspect your LDAP objects on a schedule, and determine any compliance issues.

This is something you'll have to play with and explore to see if Watchdog fits your needs. This will be tricky though, since I don't have any documentation ready, so you'll be flying blind. I don't have any ETA for the project. I'm hoping in the next month or two for the core. Then another additional month for the app.

Worst case, you can pull some of the code from the Watchdog core (such as the object synchronization into your database) and use it inside your project to fulfill your requirements.

I'll happily discuss solutions with you though, I hope some of what I mentioned above helps!

stevebauman commented 3 years ago

Closing due to inactivity.