DirectoryTree / LdapRecord

A fully-featured LDAP framework.
MIT License
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2FA with Jetstream - "This password does not match our records" - Fix potentially found #718

Closed sn-seanh closed 3 months ago

sn-seanh commented 3 months ago

Hi Guys,

Got LdapRecord running with Jetstream, overall works very smooth.

However, unable to enable 2FA as it always throws back "This password does not match our records".

I was able to resolve this by implementing a fix someone had to a similar but unrelated issue ->

By adding the below to FortifyServiceProvider.php, it resolves the problem.

      Fortify::confirmPasswordsUsing(function ($user, string $password) {
          return Hash::check($password, $user->password);

Just wanted to check if this is the recommended fix or if there is another method? also thought this post might be useful to anyone else trying the same.



stevebauman commented 3 months ago

Hi @sn-seanh,

This will work if you're synchronizing passwords upon user login, though they could still could fail the check due to being out of date if the user changes their password on your domain while being logged into your Laravel application.

I would suggest attempting auth against your LDAP server instead to ensure their password is valid:

use App\Models\User;
use App\Models\LdapUser;
use LdapRecord\Container;

Fortify::confirmPasswordsUsing(function (User $user, string $password) {
    $connection = Container::getConnection($user->getLdapDomain());

    $ldapUser = LdapUser::findByGuid($user->getLdapGuid());

    if ($ldapUser) {
        return $connection->auth()->attempt($ldapUser->getDn(), $password);

    return false;

Hope this helps!