Dirk-Peter-md / ioBroker.sprinklecontrol

Control of multiple sprinklers depending on weather condition and pump performance.
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Include Gardena Irrigation Control #33

Open Chris685 opened 2 years ago

Chris685 commented 2 years ago

Include Gardena Smart Gateway to use Irrigation Control.

Difference will be that, the Control will need a time and not only active / inactive. So we will need to adapt, that this Control will get a time information.

Informations from: https://github.com/jpgorganizer/ioBroker.smartgarden


To control the device use data point

Chris685 commented 2 years ago

I adjusted this with blockly - would also work fine.

I made a global variable which will be set with sprinklecontrol. If this is true i start Irrigation Control with the maximum time - if this variable will change to false, i stop Irrigation Control.


By the way. Weatherstation should also work with Netatmo. I have not seen any problem actually.

Dirk-Peter-md commented 2 years ago

Schön das es mit deinem Blockly funktioniert! Ich hätte es auch in dieser Richtung programmiert. Mein Problem ist aber, die Erkennung um welchen Adapter es sich handelt (HomeMatic, GARDENA, usw.) und die Zuordnung der dazugehörigen Befehle. Eine Anfrage in dieser Richtung kam schon von vielen Seiten. Ob ich es in SprinkleControl integriere weiß ich noch nicht. Daher lass ich diese Issues auch offen. MfG Dirk Peter