Dirk-tooth / Battleseer

A Warhammer 40K 9th Edition Score Card
MIT License
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Dynamic secondary scoring buttons #9

Open Dirk-tooth opened 3 years ago

Dirk-tooth commented 3 years ago

Secondary score buttons could change based on the secondary objectives chosen (see note below from reddit)

Source: reddit

It would be cool if the score select buttons updated dynamically based on the objective type. I haven't played in a long long time, but I assume there are some objectives that you score only multiples of some number. I'll give an example, maybe there is a secondary objective that gives you 3 points per unit destroyed. Would be nice instead of having the options 1-15, you had 3,6,9, etc.

A step further: for an objective like this one, you could have a counter for the number of units destroyed and then the app calculates the total.