TYPO3 Extension: Enable a cookie consent box. Let you visitors control the usage of cookies and load script or content after a consent. (ePrivacy, TTDSG)
in Typo3 12.4 an dp_cookieconsent 12.1.4 the override of the language does not work. I have the following in my setup, but nothing happend:
plugin.tx_dp_cookieconsent._LOCAL_LANG {
de {
message = Wir verwenden Cookies, um unsere Website und unseren Service zu optimieren.
dismiss = Alle Cookies zulassen!
link = Datenschutzerklärung
deny = Nur notwendige Cookies
Hey, in Typo3 12.4 an dp_cookieconsent 12.1.4 the override of the language does not work. I have the following in my setup, but nothing happend:
plugin.tx_dp_cookieconsent._LOCAL_LANG { de { message = Wir verwenden Cookies, um unsere Website und unseren Service zu optimieren. dismiss = Alle Cookies zulassen! link = Datenschutzerklärung deny = Nur notwendige Cookies
In former Versions there were no problems.
Any ideas?
Many thanks