Closed m10a closed 4 years ago
he for that you need to remove that setting from the typoscript >
^^ i hope that works, dont tested.
he for that you need to remove that setting from the typoscript >
^^ i hope that works, dont tested.
This does not work. Error keeps the same. Imo this setting is responsible for prefilling of the checkbox not for deactivating of it.
' >' than shoud remove the prefill.
I don't want to remove the prefill, but the checkbox itself. If I do this in the fluid partial, I get the error mentioned above.
yeah i know and that remove of the prefill shoud fix you error
i tried it today (with the new dev version) and that works with
typoscript >
<div class="dp--cookie-check" xmlns:f="">
<label for="dp--cookie-require">
<f:form.checkbox id="dp--cookie-require" class="dp--check-box" value="" disabled="disabled" checked="true" />
<f:translate key="dpRequire" extensionName="dp_cookieconsent" />
<label for="dp--cookie-statistics">
<f:form.checkbox id="dp--cookie-statistics" class="dp--check-box" checked="{settings.checkboxes.statistics}" value="" />
<f:translate key="dpStatistik" extensionName="dp_cookieconsent" />
shoud work with the last release too
i tried it today (with the new dev version) and that works with
typoscript >
Hi, with this it works for me too. Thanks! Can you include it in the docu?
oh, not just for me but for anybody who run in the same problem ;-)
I think it would be better, if you place it in the "Dynamic Checkboxes"-Section of your Readme. Who takes note of the Wiki?
And no, it's not just about the "preffill" It's about removing the entire checkbox. I think you should not only describe in your Readme, how one can add a checkbox but also how to remove one.
I think it would be better, if you place it in the "Dynamic Checkboxes"-Section of your Readme. Who takes note of the Wiki?
May I propose to link the wiki in the README? A wiki is very comfortable, and putting every edge-case inside the README makes it quite messy. This way people will take note of the wiki.
Kind regards,
How can I remove an unneccesary checkbox like "marketing", if I don't need it?
If I remove the label in the partial, I geht the following errors in the Javascript Console:
"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'checked' of null" "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'id' of null"
Do I have to deactivate the Checkbox anywhere else in Typoscript?