Closed mansooreh1 closed 3 years ago
In Trainval_Neg.pkl ,Pair all the Human and Object that has the score higher than a threshold. HO pairs that are not included in the GT, are the negative examples. --Yes. (score: IoU with GT box, detection confidence, all > thresholds)
If consider (IOU(human)and IOU(object))>threshold? Indeed close to each other or not? --didn't get this point, in (IOU(human)and IOU(object)), what is "and"; "close to each other"?
I mean the minimum of human overlap IoUh and object overlap IoUo exceeds threshold, i.e min(IoUh; IoUo) >threshold. Is such a condition considered? I mean, is the human box considered close to the object box?
H/O IoU box should all be > 0.5, yes, min() works. No, no hand-crafted distance between human and object is explicitly defined as a constraint. But for many HOIs, h-o box distance is a useful clue.
In Trainval_Neg.pkl ,Pair all the Human and Object that has the score higher than a threshold. HO pairs that are not included in the GT, are the negative examples. If consider (IOU(human)and IOU(object))>threshold? Indeed close to each other or not?