Dirtywave / M8Firmware

M8 Precompiled Firmware
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Teensy Audio Library is Open Source #5

Closed senorblasto closed 2 years ago

senorblasto commented 2 years ago


Freedom is key

trash80 commented 2 years ago

LOL at 90%, nice guess. The only thing that is Teensy audio library is the audio stream code. Furthermore it's MIT /* Audio Library for Teensy 3.X

senorblasto commented 2 years ago

So you made your own compiler? How did you upload the code to the Teensy?

Both versions of the GPL require you to provide all the source necessary to build the software

miditones.c is GPLv3 https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/Audio/blob/1726bf554541b602b2323b17e210b57ff6026e7e/extras/miditones/miditones.c

trash80 commented 2 years ago

What are you going on about? I do not use miditones.c

Furthermore, you need to read up on Teensy and it's ethos. There are many products out there that use Teensy and are not open-source. If you want to use Teensy Audio Library you are more than welcome to. None of those source files are all that modified and they are available here: https://github.com/Dirtywave/Audio

senorblasto commented 2 years ago

You did not even include Paul's License which states: "subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice, development funding notice, and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software."

I don't care about the law as much as I do about honesty and humanity evolving together.

You took GPLv3 code written by someone else, and modified it for use in your product. That is fine.

But the "spirit of open source" expects that you will at least allow others to do the same.

"The terms mentioned by OSI are [2] free redistribution, the author or license holder cannot collect royalty on the distribution of program, this program must make available to all the use , license should allow changes and derived works and must al- low them to distribute under same terms as the original license, no person or group must be denied to access the code" https://www.creative-technologies.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Open-Source-Audio-Platform-for-Embedded-Systems.pdf

trash80 commented 2 years ago

I did not take any GPLv3 code. I do not know what you are talking about.

trash80 commented 2 years ago

miditones.c if you know how to read and/or read code, is for parsing midi song files. M8 does not do this. It is not used in the source-code nor is it present in the compiled firmware. Just because a file is in the repository does not mean it is in the firmware. This is a nonissue.

senorblasto commented 2 years ago

The product is indeed sweet, nice job.

Freedom is the law in the universe.

"The main purpose behind this approach is that a large group of people collabora- tively without any financial gain wants to produce more useful and bug free product for everyone to use. Open source software (OSS) supporters argue that this kind of approach is faster and efficient and results are better quality. Now a days, even com- mercial software industries are also attracted to this approach. The Internet has brought students, hobbyist, developers, and users across the world together as a community to exchange ideas, discuss the problems and provide the solutions ."

trash80 commented 2 years ago

I do not use the SD library or other Arduino libraries. I use SdFat (SdfatBeta) which is MIT. M8 is not currently open-source. There is no lawsuit here and if there was it's frankly none of your concern.

trash80 commented 2 years ago

Also any and all libraries used and or modified are actually available - https://github.com/Dirtywave

trash80 commented 2 years ago

If you want to know Pauls opinion on the subject take this into consideration: https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/47851-Doing-business?p=159647&viewfull=1#post159647

trash80 commented 2 years ago

The product is indeed sweet, nice job.

Freedom is the law in the universe.

"The main purpose behind this approach is that a large group of people collabora- tively without any financial gain wants to produce more useful and bug free product for everyone to use. Open source software (OSS) supporters argue that this kind of approach is faster and efficient and results are better quality. Now a days, even com- mercial software industries are also attracted to this approach. The Internet has brought students, hobbyist, developers, and users across the world together as a community to exchange ideas, discuss the problems and provide the solutions ."

Again anything that is MIT that was modified is shared. It is "freedom" ... Unfortunately my labor of 2 years 7 days a week is not free. I have to develop a business model first to allow the project to become sustainable. That supersedes open-sorucing my work. It is not because I do not want people to hack their M8 firmware, nor to stop people from making their own, it is to mitigate plagiarism and knock-off devices for sale while not having enough backing to keep the project going. In time I do hope it will be open- but it is too soon.