Disassembler0 / Win10-Initial-Setup-Script

PowerShell script for automation of routine tasks done after fresh installations of Windows 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019
MIT License
4.69k stars 1.08k forks source link

I mess up with script windows so i can't install or use uwp appx packages without internet #325

Open IT1810 opened 4 years ago

IT1810 commented 4 years ago

First I want say thank you for the project I using this script since I migrate to win 10 telemetry spying every anoying behaviour is gone and easy way how with Chocolatey - The package manager setup new instalation is realy pain every time do manualy.I didnt need many years any uwp app but now there are few apps which i want.

From privacy reasons and win store is big mess I don't want winstore installed but I need few apps installed so I download them manualy as appx package.

I want to install appx packages without internet, but it doesn't work. If I install appx packages with internet, errors didn't appear and it work

Poznámka 2020-07-06 210218

This window appeared when I want to install .appx file in my computer

Poznámka 2020-07-06 234645

This windows appeared in virtualpc in Virtualbox

This is my preset which I run like in REAME.md

# Win 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019 Initial Setup Script - Default preset
# Author: Disassembler <disassembler@dasm.cz>
# Version: v3.9, 2020-04-02
# Source: https://github.com/Disassembler0/Win10-Initial-Setup-Script

### Require administrator privileges ###

### Privacy Tweaks ###
DisableTelemetry                # EnableTelemetry
DisableWiFiSense                # EnableWiFiSense
DisableSmartScreen            # EnableSmartScreen
DisableWebSearch              # EnableWebSearch
DisableAppSuggestions           # EnableAppSuggestions
DisableActivityHistory          # EnableActivityHistory
# DisableBackgroundApps         # EnableBackgroundApps
DisableSensors                # EnableSensors
DisableLocation                 # EnableLocation
DisableMapUpdates               # EnableMapUpdates
DisableFeedback                 # EnableFeedback
DisableTailoredExperiences      # EnableTailoredExperiences
DisableAdvertisingID            # EnableAdvertisingID
DisableWebLangList              # EnableWebLangList
DisableCortana                  # EnableCortana
DisableBiometrics             # EnableBiometrics
# DisableCamera                 # EnableCamera
# DisableMicrophone             # EnableMicrophone
DisableErrorReporting           # EnableErrorReporting
# SetP2PUpdateLocal             # SetP2PUpdateInternet          
DisableDiagTrack                # EnableDiagTrack
DisableWAPPush                  # EnableWAPPush
# EnableClearRecentFiles        # DisableClearRecentFiles
# DisableRecentFiles            # EnableRecentFiles

### Security Tweaks ###
# SetUACLow                     # SetUACHigh
# EnableSharingMappedDrives     # DisableSharingMappedDrives
# DisableAdminShares            # EnableAdminShares
# DisableFirewall               # EnableFirewall
HideDefenderTrayIcon            # ShowDefenderTrayIcon
DisableDefender                 # EnableDefender
DisableDefenderCloud            # EnableDefenderCloud
# EnableCtrldFolderAccess       # DisableCtrldFolderAccess
# EnableCIMemoryIntegrity       # DisableCIMemoryIntegrity
# EnableDefenderAppGuard        # DisableDefenderAppGuard
HideAccountProtectionWarn       # ShowAccountProtectionWarn
DisableDownloadBlocking         # EnableDownloadBlocking
# DisableScriptHost             # EnableScriptHost
EnableDotNetStrongCrypto        # DisableDotNetStrongCrypto
# EnableMeltdownCompatFlag      # DisableMeltdownCompatFlag
EnableF8BootMenu                # DisableF8BootMenu
# DisableBootRecovery           # EnableBootRecovery
# DisableRecoveryAndReset       # EnableRecoveryAndReset
SetDEPOptOut                    # SetDEPOptIn

### Network Tweaks ###
SetCurrentNetworkPrivate        # SetCurrentNetworkPublic
# SetUnknownNetworksPrivate     # SetUnknownNetworksPublic
# DisableNetDevicesAutoInst     # EnableNetDevicesAutoInst
# DisableHomeGroups             # EnableHomeGroups
DisableSMB1                     # EnableSMB1
# DisableSMBServer              # EnableSMBServer
# DisableNetBIOS                # EnableNetBIOS
# DisableLLMNR                  # EnableLLMNR
# DisableLLDP                   # EnableLLDP
# DisableLLTD                   # EnableLLTD
# DisableMSNetClient            # EnableMSNetClient
# DisableQoS                    # EnableQoS
# DisableIPv4                   # EnableIPv4
# DisableIPv6                   # EnableIPv6
# DisableNCSIProbe              # EnableNCSIProbe
# DisableConnectionSharing      # EnableConnectionSharing
DisableRemoteAssistance         # EnableRemoteAssistance
# EnableRemoteDesktop           # DisableRemoteDesktop

### Service Tweaks ###
# DisableUpdateMSRT             # EnableUpdateMSRT
# DisableUpdateDriver           # EnableUpdateDriver
EnableUpdateMSProducts          # DisableUpdateMSProducts
DisableUpdateAutoDownload       # EnableUpdateAutoDownload
DisableUpdateRestart            # EnableUpdateRestart
DisableMaintenanceWakeUp        # EnableMaintenanceWakeUp
# DisableAutoRestartSignOn      # EnableAutoRestartSignOn
DisableSharedExperiences        # EnableSharedExperiences
# EnableClipboardHistory        # 
# DisableAutoplay               # EnableAutoplay
# DisableAutorun                # EnableAutorun
# DisableRestorePoints          # EnableRestorePoints
# EnableStorageSense            # 
# DisableDefragmentation        # EnableDefragmentation
# DisableSuperfetch             # EnableSuperfetch
# DisableIndexing               # EnableIndexing
# DisableSwapFile               # EnableSwapFile
# DisableRecycleBin             # EnableRecycleBin
EnableNTFSLongPaths             # DisableNTFSLongPaths
# DisableNTFSLastAccess         # EnableNTFSLastAccess
SetBIOSTimeUTC                # SetBIOSTimeLocal
# EnableHibernation             # 
# DisableSleepButton            # EnableSleepButton
DisableSleepTimeout             # EnableSleepTimeout
# DisableFastStartup            # EnableFastStartup
# DisableAutoRebootOnCrash      # EnableAutoRebootOnCrash

### UI Tweaks ###
DisableActionCenter             # EnableActionCenter
DisableLockScreen               # EnableLockScreen
# DisableLockScreenRS1          # EnableLockScreenRS1
# HideNetworkFromLockScreen     # ShowNetworkOnLockScreen
# HideShutdownFromLockScreen    # ShowShutdownOnLockScreen
DisableLockScreenBlur           # EnableLockScreenBlur
DisableAeroShake                # EnableAeroShake
DisableAccessibilityKeys        # EnableAccessibilityKeys
ShowTaskManagerDetails          # HideTaskManagerDetails
ShowFileOperationsDetails       # HideFileOperationsDetails
# EnableFileDeleteConfirm       # DisableFileDeleteConfirm
HideTaskbarSearch               # ShowTaskbarSearchIcon         # ShowTaskbarSearchBox
# HideTaskView                    # ShowTaskView
ShowSmallTaskbarIcons           # ShowLargeTaskbarIcons
SetTaskbarCombineWhenFull       # SetTaskbarCombineNever        # SetTaskbarCombineAlways
HideTaskbarPeopleIcon           # ShowTaskbarPeopleIcon
# ShowTrayIcons                 # HideTrayIcons
# ShowSecondsInTaskbar          # HideSecondsFromTaskbar
DisableSearchAppInStore         # EnableSearchAppInStore
# DisableNewAppPrompt           # EnableNewAppPrompt
# HideRecentlyAddedApps         # ShowRecentlyAddedApps
# HideMostUsedApps              # ShowMostUsedApps
# SetControlPanelSmallIcons     # SetControlPanelLargeIcons     # SetControlPanelCategories
DisableShortcutInName           # EnableShortcutInName
# HideShortcutArrow             # ShowShortcutArrow
# SetVisualFXPerformance          
# EnableTitleBarColor           # DisableTitleBarColor
EnableDarkTheme               # DisableDarkTheme
# AddENKeyboard                 # RemoveENKeyboard
EnableNumlock                 # DisableNumlock
# DisableEnhPointerPrecision    # EnableEnhPointerPrecision
# SetSoundSchemeNone            # SetSoundSchemeDefault
# DisableStartupSound           # EnableStartupSound
# DisableChangingSoundScheme    # EnableChangingSoundScheme
# EnableVerboseStatus           # DisableVerboseStatus
DisableF1HelpKey                # EnableF1HelpKey

### Explorer UI Tweaks ###
# ShowExplorerTitleFullPath     # HideExplorerTitleFullPath
ShowKnownExtensions             # HideKnownExtensions
ShowHiddenFiles                 # HideHiddenFiles
ShowSuperHiddenFiles            # HideSuperHiddenFiles
# ShowEmptyDrives               # HideEmptyDrives
# ShowFolderMergeConflicts      # HideFolderMergeConflicts
EnableNavPaneExpand             # DisableNavPaneExpand
# ShowNavPaneAllFolders         # HideNavPaneAllFolders
# EnableFldrSeparateProcess     # DisableFldrSeparateProcess
# EnableRestoreFldrWindows      # DisableRestoreFldrWindows
# ShowEncCompFilesColor         # HideEncCompFilesColor
# DisableSharingWizard          # EnableSharingWizard
# HideSelectCheckboxes          # ShowSelectCheckboxes
HideSyncNotifications           # ShowSyncNotifications
HideRecentShortcuts             # ShowRecentShortcuts
SetExplorerThisPC               # SetExplorerQuickAccess
# HideRecycleBinFromDesktop     # ShowRecycleBinOnDesktop
ShowThisPCOnDesktop             # HideThisPCFromDesktop
# ShowUserFolderOnDesktop       # HideUserFolderFromDesktop
# ShowControlPanelOnDesktop     # HideControlPanelFromDesktop
# ShowNetworkOnDesktop          # HideNetworkFromDesktop
# ShowBuildNumberOnDesktop      # HideBuildNumberFromDesktop
# HideDesktopFromThisPC           # ShowDesktopInThisPC
# HideDesktopFromExplorer       # ShowDesktopInExplorer
# HideDocumentsFromThisPC         # ShowDocumentsInThisPC
# HideDocumentsFromExplorer     # ShowDocumentsInExplorer
#HideDownloadsFromThisPC         # ShowDownloadsInThisPC
# HideDownloadsFromExplorer     # ShowDownloadsInExplorer
HideMusicFromThisPC             # ShowMusicInThisPC
HideMusicFromExplorer         # ShowMusicInExplorer
HidePicturesFromThisPC          # ShowPicturesInThisPC
HidePicturesFromExplorer      # ShowPicturesInExplorer
#HideVideosFromThisPC            # ShowVideosInThisPC
# HideVideosFromExplorer        # ShowVideosInExplorer
Hide3DObjectsFromThisPC         # Show3DObjectsInThisPC
# Hide3DObjectsFromExplorer     # Show3DObjectsInExplorer
# HideIncludeInLibraryMenu      # ShowIncludeInLibraryMenu
# HideGiveAccessToMenu          # ShowGiveAccessToMenu
# HideShareMenu                 # ShowShareMenu
# DisableThumbnails             # EnableThumbnails
# DisableThumbnailCache         # EnableThumbnailCache
# DisableThumbsDBOnNetwork      # EnableThumbsDBOnNetwork

### Application Tweaks ###
DisableOneDrive                 # EnableOneDrive
UninstallOneDrive               # InstallOneDrive
UninstallMsftBloat              # InstallMsftBloat
UninstallThirdPartyBloat        # InstallThirdPartyBloat
# UninstallWindowsStore         # InstallWindowsStore
DisableXboxFeatures             # EnableXboxFeatures
# DisableFullscreenOptims       # EnableFullscreenOptims
DisableAdobeFlash               # EnableAdobeFlash
DisableEdgePreload              # EnableEdgePreload
DisableEdgeShortcutCreation     # EnableEdgeShortcutCreation
DisableIEFirstRun               # EnableIEFirstRun
DisableFirstLogonAnimation      # EnableFirstLogonAnimation
DisableMediaSharing             # EnableMediaSharing
# EnableDeveloperMode           # DisableDeveloperMode
 UninstallMediaPlayer          # InstallMediaPlayer
 UninstallInternetExplorer     # InstallInternetExplorer
# UninstallWorkFolders          # InstallWorkFolders
UninstallHelloFace            # InstallHelloFace
UninstallMathRecognizer       # InstallMathRecognizer
# UninstallPowerShellV2         # InstallPowerShellV2
# UninstallPowerShellISE        # InstallPowerShellISE
InstallLinuxSubsystem         # UninstallLinuxSubsystem
InstallHyperV                 # UninstallHyperV
# UninstallSSHClient            # InstallSSHClient
# InstallSSHServer              # UninstallSSHServer
InstallNET23                    # UninstallNET23
# SetPhotoViewerAssociation       # UnsetPhotoViewerAssociation
# AddPhotoViewerOpenWith          # RemovePhotoViewerOpenWith
# UninstallPDFPrinter           # InstallPDFPrinter
UninstallXPSPrinter             # InstallXPSPrinter
RemoveFaxPrinter                # AddFaxPrinter
# UninstallFaxAndScan           # InstallFaxAndScan

### Server Specific Tweaks ###
# HideServerManagerOnLogin      # ShowServerManagerOnLogin
# DisableShutdownTracker        # EnableShutdownTracker
# DisablePasswordPolicy         # EnablePasswordPolicy
# DisableCtrlAltDelLogin        # EnableCtrlAltDelLogin
# DisableIEEnhancedSecurity     # EnableIEEnhancedSecurity
# EnableAudio                   # DisableAudio

### Unpinning ###

### Auxiliary Functions ###
Disassembler0 commented 4 years ago

Are you able to install the AppXes offline before applying the tweaks? Because I've just tried to install some AppXes offline on a clean 2004 and I'm getting similar results even without any tweaks applied.

I got either the errors you have on screenshots or "File system error (12007)". And it looks like we're not alone, see https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/1538 or https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/issues/3437. The first comment in the latter even lists a workaround which works for me (rename AppX to ZIP, extract, and run the executable directly).

I have a hunch that the error is completely misleading and something else is going on. Windows aren't able to reach OCSP responder to verify the code signing certificate or something like that.