DiscipleTools / disciple-tools-bulk-magic-link-sender

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--- in place of expiry for some users #75

Open squigglybob opened 1 year ago

squigglybob commented 1 year ago

In the list of people the link is being sent to. At one point there were some with a --- in place of the link expiry date.

This is from a report, and not sure how to reproduce this

squigglybob commented 1 year ago

this only happened on the first email. Maybe because all those contacts weren't users yet....

squigglybob commented 1 year ago

(From a user)

See how the first 8 have “View” and the date, and the second 8 do not

This behavior results from a user hopping back into the page and adding additional destinations, not realizing that the page has gone cold. So I see those three dashes and I think, “Hmmm. That’s odd. Why do these new people look different?”

Well it’s because D.T. has basically checked out on me. I know that because, when I clicked the “Update” button at the bottom of the page, it refreshes the entire page, leaving off all of the people I’ve added. So I have to remember manually – “Don’t make any changes to the page until I’ve done something that causes DT to refresh and realize that I’m “live” again.”

It’s true that other software might throw up a dialogue box that says, “So sorry. If you’d like to make changes, please refresh the page first.” But I think I can just manually remember to try to do that first. Just wanted to let you know.

Once I had clicked update (and taken the time to re-add these people again), they did have the “view” button and dates just like the first 8.