Discngine / fpocket

fpocket is a very fast open source protein pocket detection algorithm based on Voronoi tessellation. The platform is suited for the scientific community willing to develop new scoring functions and extract pocket descriptors on a large scale level. fpocket is distributed as free open source software. If you are interested in integrating fpocket in an industrial setting and require official support, please contact Discngine (www.discngine.com).
MIT License
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Provide Windows build #106

Open ghost opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

We would like to build fpocket with CMake as part of your official release.

Currently we have our own CMakeLists.txt file for building, which we have working with Visual Studio 2019, but we have attempted to upgrade this to Visual Studio 2022 and the source code for fpocket is crash the Microsoft Compiler.

Visual Studio 2022 is also provide a lot of warnings, and before I wish to report any bug, I will need to eliminate our configuration as being the cause.

I can provide the list of compiler warnings and the compiler crash for Visual Studio 2022, if requested, but it would seem to be helpful to have an official CMakeLists.txt configuration that supports Windows build.

pschmidtke commented 8 months ago

Sure go ahead, but I don't have any windows environment or whatsoever to test on nor plan to do so & with virtualized env you can use the unix version as well. I'd need somebody taking this, if that's important to some people