Closed Jqual1 closed 1 year ago
I'm encountering an error when trying to upload the Notifications version to the App Store. This is the error I get
Missing Info.plist value. The Info.plist key 'BGTaskSchedulerPermittedIdentifiers' must contain a list of identifiers used to submit and handle tasks when 'UIBackgroundModes' has a value of 'processing'. For more information, refer to the Information Property List Key Reference at (ID: 6cfe5821-2511-40e9-8dc9-e2da435bff4c)
Searching the web has led me to these two pages for help:
Do we need "Background Processing" checked in the info.plist? The tutorial only says "Background Fetch" and "Remote Notifications". Maybe I checked it along the way to trying to get it to work?
I am optimistic removing that checkmark will do the trick, I was able to get the app to validate without it. If you can still get it to run on your phone without the "Background Processing" check, and it receives notifications, then I can try to push it again to the app store, just let me know, thanks.
@mgoadric Won't be able to check until around 5 but will check as soon as possible, I might've been the one to check that on accident.
Getting this error all of a sudden. Yesterday I was really busy, so I couldn't look into it. But trying to figure that out now.
@mgoadric Turns out I just needed to reset my repository. Deleted all the files and reinstalled them and now it is working again. Notifications are working as intended on my device with this variable disabled, so I just made the push with that change.
Notifications Now fully working on both Apple and Android devices. This allows us to setup daily notifications and push event change notifications as needed in firebase. Closes #6 Closes #142