Discord-Net-Labs / Discord.Net-Labs

An experimental fork of Discord.Net that implements the newest discord features for testing and development to eventually get merged into Discord.Net
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Discord.Interactions.ChoiceDisplayAttribute isn't available #452

Open EndGameGl opened 2 years ago

EndGameGl commented 2 years ago

It's stated in here that in order to specify enum display names, I must use ChoiceDisplayAttribute
https://labs.discordnet.dev/guides/int_framework/intro.html https://github.com/Discord-Net-Labs/Discord.Net-Labs/blob/release/3.x/src/Discord.Net.Interactions/Attributes/EnumChoiceAttribute.cs https://labs.discordnet.dev/api/Discord.Interactions.ChoiceDisplayAttribute.html
However, in the latest version available (3.6.1), this attribute is missing.