Discord-Oxygen / Discord-Console-hacks

A collection of JavaScript Codes I've made to enhance the User Experience of Discord and some other Discord related stuff
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Change Login #31

Closed steinhorror closed 2 years ago

steinhorror commented 2 years ago

This adds a Token Input on the Login Page grafik

tungdo0602 commented 2 years ago

Fix pls image

hdeviscute commented 2 years ago

Oh too it can be changed to

function login(e) {setInterval(() => {window.webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[Math.random()], {}, (req) => {for (const m of Object.keys(req.c).map((x) => req.c[x].exports).filter((x) => x)) {if (m.default && m.default.setToken !== undefined) {return m.default.setToken(e)}if (m.setToken !== undefined) {return m.setToken(e)}}}]);console.log("%cWorked!", "font-size: 50px");}, 50), setTimeout(() => {window.location.reload()}, 2500)}function buttonlogin(){login(document.getElementsByClassName("inputDefault-_djjkz input-cIJ7To")[0].value)}var element;(element=document.getElementsByClassName("marginBottom8-emkd0_ button-1cRKG6 button-f2h6uQ lookFilled-yCfaCM colorBrand-I6CyqQ sizeLarge-3mScP9 fullWidth-fJIsjq grow-2sR_-F")[0]).addEventListener("click",buttonlogin),(element=document.getElementsByClassName("marginBottom20-315RVT")[0]).parentElement.removeChild(element),(element=document.getElementsByClassName("colorStandard-21JIj7 size14-3fJ-ot h5-2RwDNl title-3hptVQ defaultMarginh5-3Jxf6f")[0]).innerHTML="Token",element.id="Token",(element=document.getElementsByClassName("transitionGroup-bPT0qU qrLogin-1ejtpI")[0]).parentElement.removeChild(element),(element=document.getElementsByClassName("verticalSeparator-2r9gHa")[0]).parentElement.removeChild(element);

it will fix everything but it will not have the stuff of login and that

steinhorror commented 2 years ago

the problem is, that the script used the pixel x y values when pasted and doesn't resize, so i need to put that in an event listener

steinhorror commented 2 years ago

and please put code in codeblocks

steinhorror commented 2 years ago

Fixed width by adding onresize event listener

hxr404 commented 2 years ago

I think a "bare" token login (without the usual login screen) would be suited better here. i'mma merge #28 for now, feel free to overwrite it with new changes / cleaner code