Discord4J / Stores

A set of Discord entity cache implementations for Discord4J
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Add RedisClusterStoreService #4

Closed ByteAlex closed 4 years ago

ByteAlex commented 4 years ago

RedisClusterClient has no directly shared interface with RedisClient which makes it difficult to make a single store service for both operations, except doing "dirty" casting all around every redis-operation. Thus I added the RedisClusterStoreService. Also to add more structure to the package, I moved the RedisClusterStoreService and RedisClusterStore to "cluster" package and moved "JacksonRedisSerializer", "RedisSerializer", "SerializationException", "StoreRedisCodec" and "StringSerializer" to "util" package.

ByteAlex commented 4 years ago

Found a common interface, which made "RedisClusterStore" obsolete. Due to that I decided to flatten back the package structure, so we're not breaking anything.