DiscordGSM / GameServerMonitor

📺 A discord bot that monitors your game server and tracks the live data of your game servers. Supports over 260 game servers.
MIT License
119 stars 64 forks source link

Request to api.hellbz.de has changed #44

Closed HellBz closed 1 year ago

HellBz commented 1 year ago

Hello Admin,

please set the User-Agent to my API-Request like the following


With a New Formated and validated User-Agent in this Format

Bot-Name/Version (Author-Name; Author-Website; Author-Contact Website or E-Mail; Additional Informations)

For example: SCUM-List-Crawler/1.0 (HellBz; https://hellbz.de; cofing@hellbz.de; Some more you like to tell me..)

Best Regards,

Stefan aka HellBz

BattlefieldDuck commented 1 year ago

thanks for the reminder! We will solve it on the next release.