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Discord Messenger is a free Discord-compatible messaging client targeting both new and old Windows.
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Crashes with a Visual C++ redist error after about 30 minutes to a hour of use (MinGW version) #117

Open RandomGamingIn144p opened 2 weeks ago

RandomGamingIn144p commented 2 weeks ago

Whenever I use Discord Messenger, it works pretty well but when I use it more or leave it running in the background it crashes with a visual C++ redist error. Perhaps a memory leak because this Pentium 4 computer has just 448 megabytes of RAM available, and when the error happens the program becomes unresponsive, then a few seconds later the same error shows up again, and slowly adds more of them. When I click the OK button the program exits and I have to reopen it. I may provide screenshots later of the specific error.

iProgramMC commented 2 weeks ago

That's pretty strange. Please try the MSVC version. It might have a more useful dialog rather than just "The application requested the Runtime to terminate it in an abnormal way."

Zero3K commented 2 weeks ago

Maybe you can add a crash reporting service to it or automatic crash dumping.

@RandomGamingIn144p Please try doing what is mentioned at https://spitfireaudio.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/11727762149661-How-to-enable-crash-dumps-on-windows, compress the .DMP file that is generated (if one is generated) and attach the archive to a new comment to this issue ticket,.

iProgramMC commented 1 week ago

This is not a crash. This is an instance of std::terminate being called, and because MSVCRT is a literal STD, I can't possibly know what the cause of the error is. Maybe I should ship a separate debug MinGW build, but it's like 70 meg...

Zero3K commented 1 week ago

How about generating a log in the program's directory that contains a stack trace whenever it is called unexpectedly?

iProgramMC commented 1 week ago

I would need to hook into std::terminate for that. Also, I'd need debugging symbols, which aren't provided for reasons that will be clear when I show you the size of a Discord Messenger debug build: image

Zero3K commented 1 week ago

What if the bug is only in the MinGW build?