DiscordMessenger / dm

Discord Messenger is a free Discord-compatible messaging client targeting both new and old Windows.
MIT License
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Server Info window #73

Open K4sum1 opened 2 months ago

K4sum1 commented 2 months ago

I have a copy of Abaddon that I find cool, but rarely use. It has a server information button, like its name, role list, member list, emoji list, I think invites, audit log, and ban list too if you have permissions. I don't remember there being anything else but idk. I'm kinda typing this from memory. I would open it and check and send screenshots, but even if I use Abaddon once, pisscord likes to eventually force a password change and maybe force adding phone number too. I'd rather avoid that as I don't have a phone number to spare for another account nor do I want to risk getting a ban or deal with a forced password change on main.

iProgramMC commented 2 months ago

Is this a suggestion that I should add this to Discord Messenger? The contents don't seem like it.

K4sum1 commented 2 months ago


iProgramMC commented 2 months ago

Then please rephrase your request.

K4sum1 commented 2 months ago

I'd just like to see the feature added, like right click the server and there's a server information or whatever button that opens a window with these tabs. (server information with basic info like its name, role list, member list, emoji list, I think invites, audit log, and ban list too if you have permissions)

The second part is me describing I'm typing this from memory as I don't want to get an account locked again like usually happens, so I can't provide any firm details or screenshots.

RF7391 commented 2 months ago

image basically theyre asking for this property window from ripcord

K4sum1 commented 2 months ago

Actually yeah, that looks better even. Thanks for that.