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Discord Messenger is a free Discord-compatible messaging client targeting both new and old Windows.
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Issue with the display of some usernames #82

Closed Zero3K closed 1 month ago

Zero3K commented 1 month ago

image image

iProgramMC commented 1 month ago

I don't see an issue.

Zero3K commented 1 month ago

The spacing is the issue.

iProgramMC commented 1 month ago

I guess those people set a crap-ton of spaces after the exclamation point. Like ! Hey, I am an attention seeker It occurs to me that Discord collapses them all into one space. Discord Messenger renders names as they are, so in a way, this is intended.

Perhaps try copying the nicknames, see if the spaces get expanded in a text editor.

Zero3K commented 1 month ago

! 亗GOD亗 is one such username. There's only one space in between the ! and the symbol/letter.

iProgramMC commented 1 month ago

OK, my previous attempt to find the issue might have failed.

No, there is not just one space in between the ! and the symbol in their name. Discord on Android also shows many spaces: Screenshot_20240527_232655_Discord

It occurs to me that this truncation of spaces happens before the member list is even turned into html, which is why you were unable to copy several spaces but just one.

Zero3K commented 1 month ago

Oh, I see the additional spaces in the "Message @username" text.

iProgramMC commented 1 month ago

So that's that then. Not a bug, you just didn't understand why something was happening.