DiscordMessenger / dm

Discord Messenger is a free Discord-compatible messaging client targeting both new and old Windows.
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Replies do not work #94

Closed frickinfire closed 1 month ago

frickinfire commented 1 month ago

image (i'm aware this isnt built with windows 10 in mind but this happens on 2000 and xp as well)

iProgramMC commented 1 month ago

Please provide some more context. What kind of message are you trying to send?

frickinfire commented 1 month ago

Please provide some more context. What kind of message are you trying to send?

In this instance, I am trying to reply to my friend's message in a group DM with a simple text message. After sending the message, that pop-up appears. This also happens in servers and private DMs.

iProgramMC commented 1 month ago

I gotta be honest, I've never seen that happen before. Could you open up the network tab on the official Discord client, send a reply message and dump the "Payload" tab's contents? (Not the response or preview, and not the whole fetch request, as that contains your token)

frickinfire commented 1 month ago

{"mobile_network_type":"unknown","content":"cool","nonce":"1245831631562866688","tts":false,"message_reference":{"channel_id":"701099357465870336","message_id":"1245224212982136924"},"allowed_mentions":{"parse":["users","roles","everyone"],"replied_user":false},"flags":0} Here you go.

iProgramMC commented 1 month ago

I'm pretty sure this doesn't happen in servers.