DiscordSRV / Staff-Chat

A staff-chat plugin that hooks into DiscordSRV
MIT License
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Sound & Direct Chat Suggestion #9

Closed NotGeri closed 3 years ago

NotGeri commented 4 years ago

Hey there! I've been using this plugin for quite a while now and I never had an issues with it but it always lacked two features for me.

Having of things to pay attention to gets quite challenging especially in an unorganised Minecraft chat with no real way to categorize things. A really easy way to make people pay attention to something are sounds. My idea is to have sound support for the plugin. When somebody sends a message in staff chat, every only player with permission to view and use the chat would get notified. In my opinion it's a nice thing to add more options for server owners I'd love to have pitch and volume support as well. # You can use sounds from https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_HIT pitch: 1 volume: 10

My other suggestion is to have a setting in the config which would allow direct chatting. Currently, in order to chat, players would either have to toggle staff chat or use a command such as /ac (/adminchat) - In my opinion having a single character is just really nice. direct-chat-prefix: # This would mean that any message which has the # prefix would be sent to staff chat, of course if they have the permissions to view and send messages there.

I also have a small 'bug' report. When somebody toggles staff chat and talks that way, messages are not formatted like the ones which are sent with the regular command.

RezzedUp commented 4 years ago

Very interesting ideas. I will look into adding them soon.

I also have a small 'bug' report. When somebody toggles staff chat and talks that way, messages are not formatted like the ones which are sent with the regular command.

Could you elaborate further in a separate issue? It seems unrelated to the suggestions that make up a bulk of the post. I would also appreciate screenshots.

NotGeri commented 4 years ago

Yes, it's not related to the suggestion. So, when somebody writes in the staff channel using the /staffchat command, it follows the format I have setup in config. But when somebody toggles the chat and talks like that, it does not. The colour can be seen here.

Config: https://hastebin.com/uposafeyeb.shell

Video: https://streamable.com/ba4s9t

RezzedUp commented 3 years ago

Added prefixed messages in 1.3.4 and sounds as of 1.4.0.