disclaimer: I know little to none about CSS, I just tried tinkering with the skin file and reading related documentation online so pardon me in advance
a bug I can't figure to fix myself is when I go full screen in a voice channel and this code adds a 72px gap on the side of my screen which shows my wallpaper
disclaimer: I know little to none about CSS, I just tried tinkering with the skin file and reading related documentation online so pardon me in advance
::-webkit-scrollbar-track { visibility: hidden !important; }
.theme-dark, .theme-light { / Discord vars / --channeltextarea-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); }
div[id^="members-"] [class*="placeholder"] { --backgorund-primary: var(--text-normal); }
div[id^="chat-messages-"] { --background-primary: rgba(var(--black), 1); }